GEDmatch.Com Autosomal Comparison


Base Pairs with Full Match =


Base Pairs with Half Match =


Base Pairs with No-call =


Base Pairs with No Match =


Base Pairs not included in comparison =




Matching segments greater than 2 centiMorgans =




Comparing Kit M005719 (Elena Gulevich Andrievskaya) and M213025 (*Gulewicz)

Minimum threshold size to be included in total = 700 SNPs
Mismatch-bunching Limit = 350 SNPs
Noise Reduction Threshold = 0.85
Minimum segment cM to be included in total = 2.0 cM

Chr 1

Image size reduction: 1/42

Chr 2

Image size reduction: 1/44

Chr 3

Image size reduction: 1/37

Chr 4

Image size reduction: 1/33

Chr 5

Image size reduction: 1/33

Chr 6

Image size reduction: 1/37

Chr 7

Image size reduction: 1/30

Chr 8

Image size reduction: 1/31

Chr 9

Image size reduction: 1/26

Chr 10

Image size reduction: 1/29

Chr 11

Image size reduction: 1/27


Start Location

End Location

Centimorgans (cM)







Chr 12

Image size reduction: 1/27

Chr 13

Image size reduction: 1/21

Chr 14

Image size reduction: 1/18

Chr 15

Image size reduction: 1/17

Chr 16

Image size reduction: 1/17

Chr 17

Image size reduction: 1/15

Chr 18

Image size reduction: 1/17

Chr 19

Image size reduction: 1/10

Chr 20

Image size reduction: 1/14

Chr 21

Image size reduction: 1/8

Chr 22

Image size reduction: 1/9

Largest segment = 4.3 cM
Total of segments > 2 cM = 4.3 cM

Comparison took 0.19579 seconds.